Eligibility for admission:
1) A graduate in law of the Manipur University or of any other University recognised by the Manipur University shall be eligible to apply for admission to the LL.M. Part-I course provided he/she obtained a minimum aggregate of 50% marks computed on the basis of performance of all the three past examinations of the LL.B. Degree.
2) Students for the LL.M. Course shall be selected by the Admission Committee on merit based on a combined assessment of:
(i) the performance at a written test conducted for the purpose,
(ii) the past academic record at the LL.B. degree and
(iii) the performance at a viva-voce conducted to determine the aptitude for higher studies and research.
The components of (i) (ii) and (iii) shall have 40%. 40% and 20% weightages respectively.
3) The admission committee shall consist of the Principal of the concerned Law College as Chairman, three faculty members nominated by the Principal and on nominee of the M.U.
4) The written test shall carry 100 marks and shall be three hours duration. The types of questions to be given at the test shall be as follows:
(i). One essay carrying 40 marks on a topic of current legal problem;
(ii). Objective type questions carrying 30 marks;
(iii). Short answer type questions carrying 30 marks. The objective and short answer type questions shall be from the LL.B. syllabus of the Manipur University.
5. The number seats for LL.M. Part-I Course shall be as decided by the Academic Council of the University from time to time.
6. The medium of instruction and examination of the LL.M. course shall be in English.
7. An examination for the degree of Master of Law shall be held annually at such time and venue as may fixed by the University. The examination shall consist of two parts LL.M. Part-I examination and LL.M. Part-II examination.
8. Every student of the LL.M. course shall be required to pay the admission fee, tuition fee, examination fee, centre fee and any other prescribed fee within such period as may be fixed.
9. (a) A candidate for the LL.M. Degree examination shall be examined in the papers prescribed in the Annexure and its written paper of 100 marks shall be of 4 hours duration.
(b) Every candidate for the LL.M. Part-I examination shall be examined in all the papers on compulsory basis.
(c) Every candidate of LL.M. Part-II examination shall be examined in a specialized group of subjects of his/her choice, each group consisting of 5(five) papers.
(d) The minimum number of lectures to be delivered for LL.M. course shall be 100 per paper in each academic year and each lecture period shall be of 60 minutes.
10. (a) A student who has prosecuted a regular course of study for not less than one academic year in the LL.M. Part-I classes of Manipur University may be admitted to the LL.M. Part-II examination.
(b) Those students appeared at all the papers of LL.M. Part-I examination may be allowed to take admission to LL.M. Part-II course. No student shall, however be allowed to appear at the LL.M. Part-II examination before passing the LL.M. Part-I examination.
(c) No candidate shall be admitted to the LL.M. Part-II examination unless he/she has prosecuted a regular course of study for not less than one academic year in LL.M. Part-II classes of the Manipur University.
(d) A candidate may admitted to the LL.M. Part-I or LL.M.-Part-II examination if he/she has attended a minimum of 75% of the lectures delivered for the course leading to that examination. A candidate who attended 60% of the lectures or above but below 75% maybe allowed to appear at the examination on furnishing reasonable grounds and on payment of the prescribed non collegiate fee. In no case, a candidate who has attended below 60% of the lectures delivered shall be appear at the examination.
(e) The percentage of attendance of a student shall be calculated on the total number of lectures delivered from the last dated of admission without fine fixed by the University.
11. Every candidate sent up for the LL.M. Part-I and Part-II examination must submit his/her application in the prescribed from to the University within the date fixed for the purpose. The application must be forwarded by the Principal of the college concerned. He shall certify.
i. The eligibility of the candidate for appearing at the examination.
ii. The good conduct of the candidate and,
iii. The satisfactory progress of the candidate in studies during the course.
12. In order to pass LL.M. Part-I or Part-II examination a candidate shall obtain at least 45% marks per paper and least 50% of the aggregate marks.
i. A candidate who failed in the LL.M. examination may have the option of appearing in the failed papers up to 2(two) theory papers each in LL.M.-I and LL.M.-II examination respectively.
ii. A candidate who passed the LL.M. Examination may have the option of appearing in the examination for improvement of marks up to a maximum of 2(two) theory papers in each in LL.M. –I and LL.M. –II Examinations.
13. The results of the successful candidates in the LL.M. part-I examination shall be announced in single pass list without any class. The LL.M. part-II examination shall be declared on the combined assessment of both the LL.M Part-I and LL.M Part-II examinations.
14. (a) The results of the successful candidates for the LL.M. examination shall be classified as follows:
i. A candidate obtaining 60% or above of the aggregate marks of the LL.M. Part-I and LL.M. Part-II examinations taken together shall be placed in the first class.
ii. A candidate obtaining 50% or above, but less than 60% of the aggregate marks of LL.M. Part-I and LL.M. Part-II examination taken together shall be placed in the second class.
(b) No rank shall be awarded to a candidate who has taken more than one due chance in clearing LL.M. Part-I/LL.M. Part-II examinations.
15. A candidate for the LL.M. degree must pass the LL.M. Part-II examination within a period not exceeding four years from the date of admission to the LL.M. Part-I.
16. (a) A candidate who fails to represent himself/herself for LL.M. Part-I/LL.M. Part-II examination shall not be entitled to a refund of the examination fee nor will such fee be carries over for a subsequent examination.
(b) If student after completion of his/her regular course of studies for the LL.M. Part-I or Part-II examination does not register himself/herself as a candidate for or present himself/herself at or fails to pass the examination immediately succeeding such completion, he/she may appear at the next examination of the same course.